University of 
Michigan Documents Center

Comprehensive Web Site Listings

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National Governments | Local Governments

Directory Search

Last updated on November 19, 1997

National Governments

Adminet - World

Caribbean Links

Central Asia Resource Project

Defense and Strategy Related WWW Sites (U.S. Amry)

Eurasia Research Center

Flags of the World

Foreign Embassies

Foreign Governments via CityNet

Foreign Governments (Intl.Docs.Task Force)

Foreign Governments via One if By Congress

Foreign Governments via Purdue

Foreign Governments via Yahoo

Governments on the WWW

Independent States of the World (State Dept)

International Chamber of Commerce Directory

International Directory of Utility Regulatory Institutions

Latin American Political DataBase (Georgetown)

MicroState Resources

Military Network

National Parliaments (U.Minn.)

Political Science Resources on the Internet (U. Keele)

Political Resources on the Net (Italy)


Small Islands Information Network

Subject Index to Foreign Government Information (U. Colo.)

Local Governments

European Local Government Officers Data Base

International Chamber of Commerce Directory

International Local Governments

Sister Cities International

Quick Jumps:

Comprehensive Site Web Listings
Foreign Government Web Sites:
Africa (Sub-Saharan) | Asia/Pacific | Central/South America
Europe | Middle East/North Africa | North America
Related Foreign Information:
Country Information | Embassies | Laws and Treaties | News | Statistics
International Agencies | International Simulations | Politics
Return to Government Web Resources
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Navigation Map

Grace York, Coordinator, Documents Center
The University of Michigan Library
Graphics by Sherry Piontek, Barbara Perles, and Grace York
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Since March 10, 1996 this page has been accessed
