The Heinrich Böll Foundation
Washington Office

In September 1998, the Heinrich Böll Foundation opened its U.S. office in Washington, DC.

The Washington office

• organizes public events, seminars and workshops

• cooperates with non-governmental organizations, academia and think tanks

• assists in organizing visitor tours on both sides of the Atlantic

• informs the American public, policy makers and government agencies about Green policy and developments

• informs the German public and the Böll Foundation project partners about political developments in the U.S. and Canada

• monitors developments around the intergovernmental insitutions which are based in the United States.

Our address is:

Heinrich Böll Foundation
Washington Office
Chelsea Gardens
1638 R-Street, NW, Suite 120
Washington, DC 20009

Tel: (202) 462-7512
Fax: (202) 462-5230

Please take a look at the Heinrich Böll Foundation's main homepage.

Tidal Wave Internet ~ 14101 Parke Long Court ~ Suite N
Chantilly, Virginia 20151-1645 ~ Phone: (703) 968-5744
Toll-Free: (888) 400-WAVE ~ Fax: (703) 803-0377