The Morals Project: Models Of Rational And Legal Systems You are invited to come to lunch in the Faculty Dining Room on Monday, December 6, to discuss a new project about morals and ethics in international relations. The morals and ethics project will examine cases at the edge of experience in human institutions and human lives. Through a focus on provocative case studies, the project will focus on and test the limits of organized social forces in dealing with problems of individuals. These problems will emerge from the core of human moral and ethical beliefs and thus serve as the most severe test for the abilities of multilateral institutions. These entities by nature are not set up to broach serious moral issues or necessarily issues that are often only understood on a case-by-case basis. We plan to have workshops, conferences, and manuscripts emanate from the Morals Project. We also plan to use the newest technologies in this effort and hope to include participants from a variety of disciplines. Here are some sample cases we want to discuss. They are part of the Trade Environment Database (TED) on the Web. These cases fall into six areas but many more may fit into this mosaic. 1. Human Rights Kidney Trade Case  HYPERLINK "" Body Parts Trade Case  HYPERLINK "" 2. Labor Rights Chinese Prison Trade  HYPERLINK "" Apple Picker Rights  HYPERLINK "" 3. Children and Women's Rights Nepal Sex Trade Case  HYPERLINK "" Russia Sex Trade Case  HYPERLINK "" 4. Animal Rights Tuna-Dolphin Case  HYPERLINK "" European Fur Ban Case  HYPERLINK "" 5. Genes EU-US Bovine Supplement Case  HYPERLINK "" EU-US Maize Case  HYPERLINK "" 6. Intellectual Property Merck and Costa Rica Agreement Case  HYPERLINK "" Basmati Case  HYPERLINK "" Invitees: Jim Lee: Chris Simpson, SOC Randall Blair, SOC John Doolitttle, SOC Craig VanGrasstek, SIS Caroline Fawcett, SIS Robin Broad, SIS Lou Goodman, SIS John Richardson, SIS Tom Johnson, SIS Colin Bradford, Economics, CAS David Crosby, Math Stat, CAS Bill Delone, Kogod Manny Thorne