This document describes the TED coding format in detail and provides an example of a coded document. Also see the actual cases for examples.
I. Case Background
1. Abstract
One paragraph overview of the case and its point.
2. Description
Give a general summary of the case. This should be a few pages to irent the reader to the issue and what occurred. The remainder of the categories should contain text that adds, almost like expanded footnotes, to what is here. You could even divide this part in sub-sections.
3. Duration
Begin Year:
End Year:
4. Location
The country should be the place where the actual conflict or threat of it occurred,
5. Actors
Sovereign Actors: (countries)
Non-sovereign actors: (non-government groups, like the Irish Republican Army in the UK)
II. Environment Aspects
6. Type of Environmental Problem
(a) Deforestation
(b) Habitat Loss
(c) Species Loss (Air, Land, Water)
(d) Pollution (Air, Land, Water)
(e) Climate Change
(f) Radiation
(g) Health
(h) Genetics
(i) Many
7. Type of Habitat
(a) Tropical
(b) Temperate
(c) Dry
(d) Cool
(e) Polar
(f) Ocean
(g) Space
(h) Many
8. Act and Harm Sites:
(a) Place Causing Impact
(b) Place Impacted
This is usally the same but may differ. A missle fired from one country could land in another. Pollution may cross national borders in suffcient amounts to cause the threat of violence.
III. Conflict Aspects
9. Type of Conflict
(a) International
(b) Civil
10. Level of Conflict
Give the “Trigger” or specific event that set the conlfict in motion.
(a) Resource Access (forest, minerals, water, energy, many)
(b) Natural Environmental Changes
(c) Human-Caused Low Environmental Changes
(d) Preparation for Conflict
(e) Military Conflict
(f) Political
(g) Infrastructure
(h) Civil
(g) Border
11. Fatality Level of Dispute (military and civilian fatalities)
Deaths, direct and indirect, civilian and military. Give total and then categorize according to:
(a) High
(b) Medium
(c) Low
IV. Environment and Conflict Overlap
12. Environment-Conflict Link and Dynamics:
(a) Direct (An invasion into another country)
(b) Indirect (Support for a faction in a civil war, or moentary support to one combatant country)
Add a Causal Diagram of the factors and feedbacks in the case
13. Level of Strategic Interest
(a) SubState
(b) State
(c) Bilateral
(d) Region
(e) Multilateral
(f) Global
14. Outcome of Dispute:
(a) Victory
(b) In Progress
(c) Stalemate
(d) Yield
(e) Compromise
V. Related Information and Sources
15. Related ICE and TED Cases
Provide hyperlinks to existing cases and short descriptions.
16. Relevant Websites and Literature
This is a traditional and online bibliography of sources for text and graphics.
[date of authorship]